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Iran’s ‘hijab rebellion’: A critical analysis

Iran’s ‘hijab rebellion’: A critical analysis

Iran's 'hijab rebellion' has caught many eyeballs due to the incessant propaganda by western media outlets. But what lies behind the scene?
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Political review

The persecution of the minority communities in Pakistan can’t justify Modi’s crime

The persecution of the minority communities in Pakistan can’t justify Modi’s crime

The persecution of the minority communities in Pakistan can't justify Modi's crimes and he can't simply ask the minorities demanding equality to shut up.
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Muslims asserting their identity in Modi-fied India is in itself an act of defiance

Muslims asserting their identity in Modi-fied India is in itself an act of defiance

Muslims asserting their identity during the nationwide protests against the NRC and the CAA isn't any extremist act but an act of resistance against fascism
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Illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators: The chimaera RSS-BJP drags on to garner support

Illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators: The chimaera RSS-BJP drags on to garner support

Illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators card is played by the RSS-led Sangh Parivar repeatedly in the last few decades to fan support for its obnoxious agenda.
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Police atrocities against the Muslims of Uttar Pradesh can be thwarted by pan-India solidarity movements

Police atrocities against the Muslims of Uttar Pradesh can be thwarted by pan-India solidarity movements

As atrocities against the Muslims of Uttar Pradesh is on the rise, nationwide solidarity struggles must be organised to force the Yogi regime to capitulate.
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Modi regime’s U-turn on NRC is merely a tactical move, not a strategic retreat

Modi regime’s U-turn on NRC is merely a tactical move, not a strategic retreat

The Modi regime isn't trying to seek rapprochement with the protesters against NRC and CAA, rather, it's trying to deceive people with lies to have...
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Jharkhand assembly election results shouldn’t be considered BJP’s end

Jharkhand assembly election results shouldn’t be considered BJP’s end

The Jharkhand assembly election results shouldn't be considered a final seal on the fate of the BJP in Jharkhand. Victory for the tribals is still...
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Economic review

Foreign affairs

Inside India

Make in India for Everyone not Indian
Archive Articles India

Make in India for Everyone not Indian

(This article was first published in May 2015 in the previous version of People's Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was...
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Editorial & Op-eds

Nehru Beats Modi in the Race to Palestine

Nehru Beats Modi in the Race to Palestine

The media is portraying the visit of Narendra Modi to Ramallah of Palestine as the “first ever” by an Indian prime minister to the “State...
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On the Spree of Name Changing, BJP Eyes Taj Mahal Now

On the Spree of Name Changing, BJP Eyes Taj Mahal Now

As if the rechristening of various UPA-period schemes, projects and historic places were not enough during the extremely hyperbole BJP rule, that now we are...
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The Megalomaniac Emperor and his Toady Media

The Megalomaniac Emperor and his Toady Media

Apparently, our prime minister, whose sycophants boast over his unmeasured 56” chest size and a macho image, has a habit of giving a meek response...
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Gun of Nathuram Godse That Killed Gandhi Isn’t Silent Yet

Gun of Nathuram Godse That Killed Gandhi Isn’t Silent Yet

The curious case of Nathuram Godse killing Mohandas Gandhi and the intricacies of Indian fascism, represented by the RSS and the Congress party.
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Shopian Firing and the Death of Youth Reveal What Modi’s Plan for Kashmir are Indeed

Shopian Firing and the Death of Youth Reveal What Modi’s Plan for Kashmir are Indeed

On Saturday 27 January, the Indian Army personnel opened fire at a peaceful protest of the Kashmiri people in the Ganowpora village of South Kashmir's...
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Bawana Factory Fire Shows Vulnerability of the Working Class in India

Bawana Factory Fire Shows Vulnerability of the Working Class in India

The fire never judges people or things by their value or class, it just burns them and burns them quite unmercifully. The 17 workers charred...
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More than fiction

Media review