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India’s GDP growth in Q1 of FY 2022-23: An alarming situation and government indifference

India’s GDP growth in Q1 of FY 2022-23: An alarming situation and government indifference

Though the Modi regime went into a jubilation mode, citing 13.5% GDP growth in Q1 of FY 2022-23, the reality shows an alarming picture.
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Political review

Agitation against Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019, in Assam and NE must fight Hindutva fascism’s conspiracies

Agitation against Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019, in Assam and NE must fight Hindutva fascism’s conspiracies

The protests against Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in Assam and northeast has reached a new peak and it's essential to lead it against Hindutva fascism
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CAB 2019 shouldn’t make us forget NPR and NRC threats

CAB 2019 shouldn’t make us forget NPR and NRC threats

The CAB 2019 is an attack on the minorities of India but the agitation against it should not let us overlook the threat of NPR...
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CAB in Rajya Sabha: Who all will betray secularism?

CAB in Rajya Sabha: Who all will betray secularism?

The BJP is hell-bent to have the CAB pass in the Rajya Sabha, but why is the opposition not putting up a strong fight against...
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Jaya Bachchan’s lynching advocacy exhibits how mobocracy lures democracy

Jaya Bachchan’s lynching advocacy exhibits how mobocracy lures democracy

Jaya Bachchan has advocated the lynching of rapists to punish them. While saying that she didn't clarify who will judge the crimes and who will...
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Game of government formation in Maharashtra isn’t over but at the next stage

Game of government formation in Maharashtra isn’t over but at the next stage

The drama over government formation in Maharashtra didn't get over with the Shiv Sena-NCP-Congress alliance coming to power, it just entered the next stage.
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The new NRC call curtain-raises the 2022 Hindu Rashtra project

The new NRC call curtain-raises the 2022 Hindu Rashtra project

The Modi regime is going to scrap the four-year-long NRC in Assam and going to bring a larger pan-India programme directed at Muslims.
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Economic review

Foreign affairs

Inside India


Editorial & Op-eds

Dineshwar Sharma as Kashmir Interlocutor is Modi’s Attempt to Fool People

Dineshwar Sharma as Kashmir Interlocutor is Modi’s Attempt to Fool People

The interest of New Delhi in resolving the Kashmir issue, which is essentially an issue of a forceful military occupation over a people who wants...
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The Murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Threat to Free Press

The Murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Threat to Free Press

Firebrand Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered on 16 October in a car bomb blast in Bidnija. Her rented Peugeot 108 was ripped...
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Piyush Goyal Claims Unemployment is Good – Height of Goebbels’ Propaganda

Piyush Goyal Claims Unemployment is Good – Height of Goebbels’ Propaganda

Karl Marx said, “Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time...
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Defamation Case by Jay Shah on The Wire is an Attack of the BJP on Free Press

Defamation Case by Jay Shah on The Wire is an Attack of the BJP on Free Press

Jay Amitbhai Shah, the son of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah, has sued the independent media outlet, The Wire, in a defamation case...
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Hypocrisy of Taslima Nasreen Exposed Again on the Question of Hindutva Fascism

Hypocrisy of Taslima Nasreen Exposed Again on the Question of Hindutva Fascism

Exiled Bangladeshi author, Taslima Nasreen exposed her hypocrisy more than once when it came to condemning Hindutva terror, which is slaughtering the minority community members...
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Narendra Modi Meets Suu Kyi & Rohingya Genocide is Subtly Endorsed

Narendra Modi Meets Suu Kyi & Rohingya Genocide is Subtly Endorsed

Rare moments are always frame-worthy, especially if it's a historic handshake between two of the most notorious Muslim-killers of our time. Narendra Modi met Aung...
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More than fiction

Media review