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What is next for the left-wing politics after the Congress’s victory in Karnataka?

What is next for the left-wing politics after the Congress’s victory in Karnataka?

While the Congress defeated the BJP in Karnataka, the threat of Hindutva fascism still looms large over the state, which only the left can combat.
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Political review

The MHA order on Jammu & Kashmir land ownership and fallacy of mainstream parties

The MHA order on Jammu & Kashmir land ownership and fallacy of mainstream parties

The MHA order on Jammu & Kashmir land ownership is the second-biggest attack on the people by the Modi regime after abrogation of Article 370.
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India-USA BECA: Another pact to turn Indians into the US’s cannon fodder

India-USA BECA: Another pact to turn Indians into the US’s cannon fodder

The India-USA BECA is another attempt by the Modi regime to mortgage India's national interests to the US-led imperialist camp.
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Six years, six months of Modi’s rule: Deception, disruption and destruction
India Politics

Six years, six months of Modi’s rule: Deception, disruption and destruction

What's the difference between rhetoric and reality? The six-year-long rule of Modi proves how rhetoric-oriented politics destroyed India.
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Bihar Assembly Election 2020: Can the Grand Alliance repeal Modi’s farm laws?
India Politics

Bihar Assembly Election 2020: Can the Grand Alliance repeal Modi’s farm laws?

Compelled by the Bihar Assembly election 2020, the Grand Alliance is promising repealing of central laws. But is that possible?
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Rules of the CAA 2019: An albatross around the BJP’s neck

Rules of the CAA 2019: An albatross around the BJP’s neck

Why the BJP is repeatedly failing to publish the Rules of the CAA 2019? The reason is it's not willing to let the people know...
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Tanishq advertisement controversy doesn’t make the Tatas kosher

Tanishq advertisement controversy doesn’t make the Tatas kosher

Does the Tanishq advertisement controversy make the Tata Group a supporter of secularism when it has been a hardcore promoter of Hindutva?
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Economic review

The Socio-Economic Caste Survey Results Burst the Bubble of Development
Economy India

The Socio-Economic Caste Survey Results Burst the Bubble of Development

(This article was first published in July 2015 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled...
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Cutting Short of Benefits
Archive Articles Economy

Cutting Short of Benefits

(This article was first published in June 2015 in the previous version of People's Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled...
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Foreign affairs

Inside India

Union home ministry’s NRC refusal doesn’t bring the curtain down on the episode
India Politics

Union home ministry’s NRC refusal doesn’t bring the curtain down on the episode

The Union home ministry's NRC refusal through a reply to the Parliament doesn't imply that the threat is over. The Modi regime didn't retreat, it's...
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‘Kill one’s reputation, kill one’s cause’: BJP and the politics of character assassination
India Society

‘Kill one’s reputation, kill one’s cause’: BJP and the politics of character assassination

How the strategy of character assassination is adopted by the BJP to combat the challenge thrown by Shaheen Bagh.
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Sharjeel Imam, Assam and the ferocious Hindutva fascist state
India Politics

Sharjeel Imam, Assam and the ferocious Hindutva fascist state

The Hindutva fascist state's attack on Sharjeel Imam is despicable and sheer witch-hunting to bully Muslim voices. Imam's views on Assam also lacks insight.
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Javadekar’s “Jinnah wali Azadi” ranting on Shaheen Bagh is old wine in a new bottle
India Politics

Javadekar’s “Jinnah wali Azadi” ranting on Shaheen Bagh is old wine in a new bottle

Javadekar’s “Jinnah wali Azadi” ranting on Shaheen Bagh is another attempt by the Modi regime and the BJP to vilify the organic struggle of the...
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Threats of sedition won’t scare women protesting against the CAA and NRC
India Politics

Threats of sedition won’t scare women protesting against the CAA and NRC

By issuing threats of sedition charges and by criticising Muslim women protesting against the CAA and NRC, Yogi Adityanath is strengthening their resolution
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BJP-TMC secret alliance in West Bengal is a threat to anti-CAA-NPR-NRC movements
India Politics

BJP-TMC secret alliance in West Bengal is a threat to anti-CAA-NPR-NRC movements

Mamata Banerjee and her government's actions show that the BJP-TMC secret alliance in West Bengal is trying to sink the anti-CAA-NPR-NRC movement slyly.
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Editorial & Op-eds

The Kashmir annexation paved the way for India’s ignominy

The Kashmir annexation paved the way for India’s ignominy

By abolishing Article 370 and 35A, the Modi regime and Amit Shah actually declared official annexation of Jammu & Kashmir which is a self-goal for...
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What lies beneath Ravish Kumar’s Ramon Magsaysay Award?

What lies beneath Ravish Kumar’s Ramon Magsaysay Award?

There is a jubilation among liberal democrats over NDTV's Ravish Kumar winning the Ramon Magsaysay Award. However, we delve deeper to find what the award...
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The UAPA Amendment feeds to the BJP’s desire to curtail the leftover democratic rights of critics

The UAPA Amendment feeds to the BJP’s desire to curtail the leftover democratic rights of critics

With the passage of the UAPA Amendment Bill in the Lok Sabha, the Modi regime is all set to curtail the leftover democratic rights of...
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Democracy: Go, Goa, gone!

Democracy: Go, Goa, gone!

Under Modi-Shah's domination poaching opposition lawmakers is legitimised, which is why no one criticised how the BJP poached MLAs in Goa and Karnataka.
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NIA Bill passed by the Lok Sabha will make the agency Modi-Shah’s neo-Gestapo

NIA Bill passed by the Lok Sabha will make the agency Modi-Shah’s neo-Gestapo

Despite opposing it, most of the opposition MPs, barring few, voted in favour of the National Investigation Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019 brought by Shah.
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Can Allahabad High Court’s notice over poll malpractice turn Modi’s fate similar to Indira Gandhi’s?

Can Allahabad High Court’s notice over poll malpractice turn Modi’s fate similar to Indira Gandhi’s?

Alike Indira Gandhi, Narendra Modi too got a notice from Allahabad High Court over election malpractices. The outcome of this case needs to be seen.
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More than fiction

Media review