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Saudi-Emirati soft power surge amid Russia-Ukraine crisis

Saudi-Emirati soft power surge amid Russia-Ukraine crisis

Saudi Arabia and the UAE strategically navigate the Russia-Ukraine conflict, aiming to bolster their soft power influence. These Gulf states' increasing aid, mediation, and trade efforts showcase their commitment to multipolarity and growing influence on the world stage.
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Political review

The BJP’s defeat in the West Bengal polls doesn’t mean Hindutva’s loss

The BJP’s defeat in the West Bengal polls doesn’t mean Hindutva’s loss

The BJP’s defeat in the West Bengal polls doesn't mean that the RSS-led Hindutva camp has failed. On the contrary, it shows Hindutva fascism's deep...
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Post-poll violence in West Bengal: BJP’s desperate bid to gain relevance

Post-poll violence in West Bengal: BJP’s desperate bid to gain relevance

By communalising the post-poll violence in West Bengal, the BJP is trying to regain relevance in the state's polity after suffering a humiliating defeat.
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Mamata Bandopadhyay’s populist identity politics turned Muslims ‘optionless’

Mamata Bandopadhyay’s populist identity politics turned Muslims ‘optionless’

Muslims of West Bengal are rendered option-less in the political field due to the rise of the BJP and the sham concern shown by Mamata...
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Red Faction, a new left outfit, demands subsidised oxygen

Red Faction, a new left outfit, demands subsidised oxygen

Red Faction, a left outfit, organised a May Day demonstration at Kolkata, raising the demand for subsidised oxygen, nationalised healthcare and no lockdown.
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Why the SKM postponed the farmers’ march to the Indian Parliament?

Why the SKM postponed the farmers’ march to the Indian Parliament?

After declaring it in late March, what compelled the Samyukt Kisan Morcha to postpone the farmers’ march to the Indian Parliament against Modi's farm laws?
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Kisan Andolan continues despite COVID paranoia, censorship and eviction threat

Kisan Andolan continues despite COVID paranoia, censorship and eviction threat

Despite the COVID-19 paranoia used by the Modi regime to selectively target the farmers and an imminent eviction threat, the Kisan Andolan refuses to budge.
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Economic review

Sitharaman’s second set of announcements have no clear solution as well

Sitharaman’s second set of announcements have no clear solution as well

Like her first set of announcements, Sitharaman's second set of announcements regarding the much-hyped fiscal stimulus package was also utterly hollow.
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Sitharaman’s announcements on day one peddled liquidity as fiscal stimulus to dupe people

Sitharaman’s announcements on day one peddled liquidity as fiscal stimulus to dupe people

Nirmala Sitharaman's announcements, on the first day of the many days she will announce details of Modi's Rs 20 billion-worth package, were simply hollow.
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Part II: COVID-19, fictitious capital and financial crisis
Economy India

Part II: COVID-19, fictitious capital and financial crisis

The second part of the analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic, share buy back and fictitious capital: A capitalist effort to survive the financial crisis.
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COVID-19, fictitious capital and financial crisis

COVID-19, fictitious capital and financial crisis

The COVID-19 isn't the cause of the quagmire in which capitalism is in at the moment. The pandemic only triggered what was inevitable. An in-depth...
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At the time of hunger, FCI’s surplus rice is converted to ethanol to make alcohol-based hand sanitisers

At the time of hunger, FCI’s surplus rice is converted to ethanol to make alcohol-based hand sanitisers

The Modi regime's decision that the FCI’s surplus rice is converted to ethanol to make alcohol-based hand sanitisers is absolutely anti-poor and disastrous.
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Farmers’ suffering due to lockdown intensify in UP due to lack of wheat MSP

Farmers’ suffering due to lockdown intensify in UP due to lack of wheat MSP

In Uttar Pradesh the middle, small and marginal farmers’ suffering due to lockdown intensified as they don't get MSP for wheat from private buyers.
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Foreign affairs

Hong Kong protests over extradition bill, funded by the CIA aims at recolonising the island
Foreign Affairs

Hong Kong protests over extradition bill, funded by the CIA aims at recolonising the island

The Hong Kong protests, growing violent each day, is a handiwork of the CIA's notorious National Endowment for Democracy to recolonise the island.
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Pompeo’s India visit an attempt to neo-colonise the country with the BJP’s help
Foreign Affairs

Pompeo’s India visit an attempt to neo-colonise the country with the BJP’s help

Mike Pompeo's India visit is not merely to strengthen bilateral ties, but also to hasten the process of turning India into a neo-colony of the...
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Netanyahu’s “friend” Narendra’s foreign policy is going to surrender India’s sovereignty to the US-Israel-Saudi nexus
Foreign Affairs

Netanyahu’s “friend” Narendra’s foreign policy is going to surrender India’s sovereignty to the US-Israel-Saudi nexus

The Modi 2.0 regime's foreign policy will fully mortgage India to the US imperialism and make it an appendage of Zionist Israel and Wahhabi Saudi...
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Guaidó’s coup is doomed but Venezuela won’t be in peace until the US military threat looms
Foreign Affairs

Guaidó’s coup is doomed but Venezuela won’t be in peace until the US military threat looms

Despite failing in his coup attempt, Juan Guaidó will not give up his attempts to topple the Nicolás Maduro-led Venezuelan government with the US's support.
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Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka is an attempt to wreck communal harmony before elections
Foreign Affairs

Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka is an attempt to wreck communal harmony before elections

The Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka exposed the dirty plot to divide the people on the basis of religion before the forthcoming election in...
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Influence of the Saudi crown prince’s visit on India-Pakistan tension
Foreign Affairs

Influence of the Saudi crown prince’s visit on India-Pakistan tension

Recently the controversial Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammad bin Salman visited Pakistan, India and China as part of his three-nation tour of the region. During...
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Inside India

What does early trends of Bihar Assembly election results predict?
India Politics

What does early trends of Bihar Assembly election results predict?

The early trend of the Bihar Assembly election results predict a clear sweep for the BJP-led NDA. What does this mean to the opposition?
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Amit Shah’s West Bengal visit: A desperate attempt to woo Dalits and tribals
India Politics

Amit Shah’s West Bengal visit: A desperate attempt to woo Dalits and tribals

What is the purpose of Amit Shah's West Bengal visit if not to set the BJP's house in order and desperately woo the tribal people...
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Six years, six months of Modi’s rule: Deception, disruption and destruction
India Politics

Six years, six months of Modi’s rule: Deception, disruption and destruction

What's the difference between rhetoric and reality? The six-year-long rule of Modi proves how rhetoric-oriented politics destroyed India.
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Bihar Assembly Election 2020: Can the Grand Alliance repeal Modi’s farm laws?
India Politics

Bihar Assembly Election 2020: Can the Grand Alliance repeal Modi’s farm laws?

Compelled by the Bihar Assembly election 2020, the Grand Alliance is promising repealing of central laws. But is that possible?
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Stan Swamy the new victim of Modi’s grudge against democratic voices
India Politics

Stan Swamy the new victim of Modi’s grudge against democratic voices

Father Stan Swamy's arrest by the NIA again proved that the Modi regime is relentless in its pursuit against the democratic voices in India.
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Resuming suburban local train service is important for West Bengal’s survival

Resuming suburban local train service is important for West Bengal’s survival

The suspension of suburban local train service in West Bengal has not just caused inconvenience to commuters but also affected the economy.
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Editorial & Op-eds

Bloodshed in Indian newsrooms as mainstream media is axing journalist

Bloodshed in Indian newsrooms as mainstream media is axing journalist

The Indian newsrooms are making a kill in the digital space, however, at the same time, citing COVID-19 pandemic, they are firing numerous journalists.
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Deconstructing the triumphant decadence: Perforating the idea of nation and exequial of reason

Deconstructing the triumphant decadence: Perforating the idea of nation and exequial of reason

The essence of an idea of nation lies with its imagination. The recent consistent onslaught on its idea is gravely frightening.
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Flaws of personalised diplomacy of narcissist leaders

Flaws of personalised diplomacy of narcissist leaders

This comment article critiques how authoritarian narcissist personality of a populist leader and his style of governance impacts the nation. All is well when everything...
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India-China conflict needs a peaceful solution, not a hysteric jingoistic reaction
Editorial India

India-China conflict needs a peaceful solution, not a hysteric jingoistic reaction

India-China conflict doesn't need hysteric hyper-nationalist chest thumping but a mature diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and clear the bad air.
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Indifference, when a pregnant woman is jailed under false charges, is a crime, dissent isn’t

Indifference, when a pregnant woman is jailed under false charges, is a crime, dissent isn’t

If there is an ominous silence over the arrest of a pregnant woman like Safoora Zargar under false charges, then that's a crime. Dissenting isn't.
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The “unlock” season shows Modi’s lockdown’s failure in tackling COVID-19

The “unlock” season shows Modi’s lockdown’s failure in tackling COVID-19

The Modi regime brings the "unlock" to do away with the COVID-19 lockdown in a phased manner. But is the situation ripe for it? Or...
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More than fiction

Media review